Home Forums Forum Masalah Umum Habib Ali Al Jufri

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  • #77596621
    Lubna Alaydrus

    Assalaamualaikum WrWb,
    Habib Munzir yth, tolong ceritakanlah mengenai profil dari Habib Ali AlJufri.
    Terima kasih.

    Munzir Almusawa

    Alaikumsalam warahmatullah wabaraktuh,

    Kebahagiaan dan Kesejukan rohani semoga selalu menghiasi hari hari anda,

    Saudariku yg kumuliakan,
    mohon maaf saya tak memiliki data lengkap atas beliau, batangkali ada di web beliau, di \"web link\" di kanan tampilan web ini, ada yg versi arab dan versi english, dan saya akan berusaha bila mendapatkan lengkapnya akan saya tampilkan

    yg jelas beliau itu adalah Da\’i besar dan murid tertinggi guru Mulia Al Musnid Al habib Umar bin hafidfh
    demikian saudariku yg kumuliakan, semoga dalam kebahagiaan selalu,

    wallahu a\’lam

    Lubna Alaydrus

    Assalamu\’alaikum WrWb,
    Terima kasih atas jawaban Habib Munzir, saya tunggu tulisan Habib tentang Habib Ali Al Jufri.

    Hussein Al-ba'bud

    [b]lubnaalidrus tulis:[/b]
    [quote]Assalamu\’alaikum WrWb,
    Terima kasih atas jawaban Habib Munzir, saya tunggu tulisan Habib tentang Habib Ali Al Jufri.[/quote]

    Habib \’Ali Zain al-\’Abideen al-Jifri

    Habib \’Ali Zain al-\’Abideen al-Jifri was born of a noble prophetic lineage. His great grandfathers include, \’Ali Zain Al-\’Abideen, the son of Imam al-Hussein, the son of Imam \’Ali ibn Abi Talib and the Sayyidah Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Habib \’Ali has studied for over 20 years at the hands of many great and prestigious scholars, connecting him with authentic chains of transmission and learning all the way to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself. He is an explosive and motivating speaker, a caller to the way of Allah and His Messenger (pbuh), and a spiritual educator of the highest caliber. His words, based on the illuminating knowledge of the Qur\’an and Sunnah, penetrate deep into the soul, driving every sincere heart to repentance and back to its Lord and Creator. Habib \’Ali has sacrificed his soul in the service of the Deen, spreading the lights of guidance far and wide, in Muslim and non-Muslim lands. His travels have taken him to places such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, England, Holland, and America.

    Lubna Alaydrus

    shukron …untuk tulisan dari Abdurrahman.

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